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Sunday Service


9:30am   - Group Prayer 

10:00am - Service

11:00am  - Fellowship

"I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint" ~ Jeremiah 31:25 

We live in stressful times...


There are so many demands being placed on us mere mortals as

we run from one chore to the next, thirsting for deeper meaning.


We long to make sense of this world, to love and genuinely connect with each other, but let's face it, 


Relationships can be "so" complicated these days.  



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"My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." ~ John 14:27


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You can breathe easy knowing that the answers to life are close. 


There is a place in this world where you can gather freely, rest your head and gently be brought back to life. 


...through God's word & Christ 




God loves you so much, He made the most extraordinary sacrifice and sent His son, Jesus to live amongst us. 


To show us the way home. 





We welcome you to our church where our vision is to transform lives to being servants of God.


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"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"

                                                    - Matthew 28"18- 20

Belfountain village church

    Ours is a beautiful stone church....


....right out of an old English novel. 

The Belfountain Village Church was founded in 1835 soon after the first settlers arrived in the area a decade prior. The gothic style building with a towering bell was erected in the centre of this quaint little hamlet and even today it hasn't lost any of its old world charm. 

It's still the main attraction as you drive through the picturesque village, tucked among the hills & green valleys of the Headwaters. 

Just an hour out of Toronto, it's a wonderful place to visit and attend an inspiring Sunday service before heading out to enjoy the local cafes & trails.    

People have been worshipping God at this church for over 180 years! 


Today we continue to welcome people into our community.  


"For where two or three gather in My name, there I am with them"

~Matthew 18:20


Get to know god

Here's the fact. 



God is real. He never changed. We did. 


We humans flip our views like we flip through TV Channels. 

We doubt, we’re skeptics, we complain. 

Our loyalties can be so fleeting.




"If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself"

- Timothy 2:13




God is alive and that means He's here for you, "Today"

He speaks your language and wants us to connect with Him. 

In fact, Our Father wants nothing more than to build a relationship with 






As for our part, where do we start? How do we hear what God is saying?


Through His Holy Word. 



The Holy Bible is for all people for all times. 


 It is rich in wisdom that we can apply to our daily lives. 


There are many “Aha” moments in the pages of this sacred book that will change the way you live your life. 


We know it can seem daunting, but we are here to help you interpret it in a modern way that speaks to you.




Please join us as we Welcome you home.


Here's our Schedule. 



Helping Others.​


Missionary work is a big part of our belief system. Our aim is to spend at least 10% of our revenue on supporting missions projects both local and abroad. We help out the local Youth for Christ, International missionaries and our own Canadian Baptist Missionaries and we also see to it that local families in need do not go without.  Please feel free to find out more through our church if you're interested in working for God or contributing. 

Have a question and want to get in touch?  Contact our Pastor HERE

Belfountain Village Church * 17258 Old Main St. *  Belfountain Ontario * L7K 0E6
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